Business loans are generally taken out for various reasons. Most commonly the purpose of taking out business loans are:
Expanding operations by purchasing additional real estate: If you want to purchase real estate as part of your business expansion plans. Lenders generally look at if your business is turning profits, trend of cash flow (rising) and overall positive business outlook. Such loans for real estate are usually in the form of a mortgage. In most cases a collateral is required for securing a loan and repayments can be monthly or quarterly Stocking up on inventory to avoid lead times esp. for businesses seasonal in natureSome businesses are seasonal in nature e.g. retail, hospitality, agricultural businesses etc. If a company makes most of its sales during the holiday season, they can take out a short-term loan to purchase most of their inventory in advance. Many businesses do this to beat lead times on inventory supply chain and ease of cash flow. Loans to purchase inventory are generally short-term in nature; companies strategize around repaying them once then season is over, using proceeds from their seasonal revenue.